The Time is NOW!
It’s never been more important…..
Inspire your TRUE Essence to come alive
Connect with the Community you’ve ALWAYS longed for
What will you plant in Spring’s Fire?
Find out at our
Complimentary Online Discovery Session
Thursday, April 4, 7:00 PM
Join us now!
The Path of the 21st Century Priestess™
Experience the Journey!
With Facilitators: Alchemical High Priestesses
Bonnie Salamon and Judy Keating
Circle starts on June 1 at Drema Women’s Center, Marietta, GA
If the word Priestess piques your imagination or feels familiar on a cellular level, YOU may be carrying the DNA of Priestesses past. Maybe you have been on a personal quest to discover the truth of who you are. Or perhaps you have felt that you have messages that would be meaningful to your community.
If this describes you, the Path of the 21st Century Priestess™ is your call to action.
Following The Path Of The 21st Century Priestess™ Will:
- Amplify the ‘knowing’ that moves inside you and has not yet been released to a waiting world;
- Support your personal growth to the extent that you are willingto reach your furthest most desires;
- Assist in helping you create a loving community of like-minded women;
- Increase your self-confidence and help you expand your abundance in every area of your life: financial; relationships,
- health, and creativity;
- Strengthen your relationship with the natural world and all living beings.
What Is The Path Of The 21st Century Priestess™?
Priestesses of ancient times performed the sacred rites of religion in the temples.
They were responsible for keeping the sacred flame burning, never going out. As time passed, Priestesses became leaders of movements to advance humanity.
Our world today is led by a Patriarchal mindset, and is yearning for a balance of divine feminine and divine masculine, in Sacred Right Relationship. Women trained in the Priestess Process learn how to embody and carry this frequency out into the world to help re-balance human consciousness.
Priestesses honor the cycles and seasons of Nature and of Life. They learn from, and work with, the natural rhythms of the earth, sun, moon, and stars. They observe and value the relationships between earth and sky, Nature and humanity.
In families and communities, Priestesses bring awareness to the way change affects life by creating time and space to honor Life Passages. They honor and often officiate ceremonies that recognize transitions: birth, puberty, a new job, the loss of a job, marriage, divorce, menopause, elderhood, and death.
Priestesses may counsel and support others in times of crisis, transition, healing, and creation. They may assist through their prayers, meditation, deep listening, or simply by being present and witnessing a situation.
Priestesses bring the sacred into form by connecting to Divine energy in ALL their creative pursuits, career-related projects, ceremonies, rituals, and celebrations.
Deeply connected to her spirituality from the inside out, a Priestess may also be a member of any religion, or have connection to none. She may connect to the Divine in Nature just as well as in any home, church, or synagogue.
Watch a brief video from Bonnie and Judy about the process:
What Priestess Sisters Say
About The Process
Going through the Priestess Process with Bonnie allowed me to recognize, greet, heal, love, and embrace parts of myself that sorely needed it. Priestess was a beautiful, safe, and very loving process. My life is richer for having gone through this nurturing process to learn more about the Divine Feminine. It also allowed into my life wonderful new friends and tools to help myself in the future. And I especially love the music and divine movement through dance to connect the body, mind, and soul.
~Tammy Barton
A benefit I received from being in Priestess Process was that we created (once a month) a sacred space where patriarchy was stripped away, and the feminine was declared as divine as the masculine. In that space we shared deeply, danced, learned new things, and played in other creative ways.
I expected a deeper understanding; what I got was integration and vibrational shifts.
Love the Sisterhood. Information was phenomenal. It flowed very nicely; I found all topics interesting.
Bonnie led us through the most beautiful year of my life! The relationships with my precious priestess sisters are deep, rich and forever! The deepening of my understanding in the elements has enriched my life in all aspects- relationships, biz, and health. I am forever grateful!
I’m being sincere when I say that the two of you are giving a gift so much bigger than each of you alone. You are master teachers so aligned and authentic that there are no words. I found myself along the way. Thank you for a safe and loving place to be.
If you feel this is for you please use the contact form below to set up a time to talk with Bonnie and Judy to learn more! Circle starts June 1, don’t wait!
You can download this web page as a flyer by Clicking Here
Your Facilitators:
Bonnie Salamon believes that there are essentials to consider as mid-lifers, and beyond, to chart the course for a richer, later life well-lived. The connection to the Elements of Earth, Water, Air, Fire, and Spirit are the foundation of these essential teachings, and as a Charter Natural Rhythms Facilitator, she brings this wisdom to her clients. Additionally, she is a Certified Life Cycle Celebrant, Certified Gerontologist, and facilitator of The Path of the 21st Century Priestess, High Priestess, and Creation Goddess. Bonnie includes Pathway to Bliss teachings in order to help clients reach their greaterness. She works with individuals and groups to help open the channels to a deeper relationship with the Divine of their understanding through grounded principles and pathways. She is a wife of 49 years, a mother, and a grandmother who has found peace and ease through practices of inner exploration and joy in fulfillment of life’s Third Act.
Judy Keating, M.A . is a Certified Shift Your Grief Master Coach, Certified Natural Rhythms™ Facilitator, Creation Coach and Expert. She is trained in both Life and Nature Based Coaching through the Martha Beck Institute Life Coaching program. Judy has co-authored two personal development books.
Judy is trained in the lineage of Nicole Christine and is a Certified facilitator for Priestess, High Priestess circles on line internationally, and in person.
She uses her talents skills and abilities to help her clients through creating a safe and sacred space, energy modalities, coaching and multi-dimensional facilitation